Roasted Acorn Squash with Fennel Sausage and Apples

Roasted Acorn Squash with Fennel Sausage and Apples

It's been one of those weeks. 

Things I Learned This Week While Living In The South: 

1. Dusting off talking points from your youth to validate your fear of being persecuted based solely on your sexual preference or religious beliefs and explaining these to your more conservative Southern friends drives one to seek solace in failed fudge that is housed in your 3AM snack box (otherwise known as my refrigerator).  

2. While calmly examining suspicious moles you find a sense of great relief comes over you when you realize that it is not an oddly shaped mole. But it is in fact just a speck of the above mentioned fudge that has somehow managed to secure itself to your abdomen.   

3. There is a soon to be opened amazing burger place in downtown Winston Salem that due to friends of friends you were able secretly hang out in while binge eating nachos, drinking beers, and watching someone across the table act out "crack whore" in a new adult mash up of Pictionary and Charades. 

And because it is Fall and that requires Fall like foods I found myself this morning roasting squash and watching my stories on the tv.  

Roasted Acorn Squash with Fennel Sausage and Apples

Side note: Fennel Sausage was bought at my local grocery store - Lowes Foods. Find the amazing list of sausages available here. I used the No. 2 The Godfather for this recipe. It's a pork sausage seasoned with fennel, anise, salt and pepper.