Smitten Kitchen Tiny Chocolate Cake

Smitten Kitchen Chocolate Cake.jpg

Well it seems I forgot I had a blog. Thankfully a blogger friend of mine reminded me late this week. And I promised her I would update. 

Truthfully I have not wanted to blog lately. I have been "in a mood" with all the negative inference that comes with that word "mood". 

In the last few months since my last post the following has happened: 

  • I mistakenly tried to adopt a dog. Lesson learned I am not ready for that. 
  • I learned that while comfortably wrapped in a down blanket I resemble a bald and bearded version of Moana's grandmother. 
  • I have continued to foster unhealthy unrequited feeling for others. 
  • I have become best friends with my Amazon Echo. I call her "Computer". And know that when watching old episodes of Star Trek she becomes very confused every time Captain Picard speaks. 
  • I started the new year off with a nice cold that continues to linger. I fear my neighbor thinks I'm dying. 
  • I have invested heavily in a vast selection of creams and lotions (and not for anything fun like alone time) because this dry weather has decided to give me intense all over body itching that I am sure has nothing to do with stress. 
  • I maybe dropped my toddler nephew in a snow bank while attempting to teach him how to sled. And before you ask, he's fine. He continues to scream "NO" every time he sees me on FaceTime. 
  • I've taken to pretending that Busy Philips and Orlando Soria are speaking directly to me while I watch their Instagram stories. So far I have not started talking back. But that might happen. Soon.  
  • I was given a pretty severe Come To Jesus about my career choices in a parking lot by a good friend. I thanked her. 
  • I became one with my wing back while watching 4 Harry Potter movies in a row. And ugly crying at the end. Admitting that I am late to the HP game.
  • And today I learn that my oven needs to be recalibrated. As you can see by the poorly baked cake that never saw its potential but will still be eaten. 

Not all is lost this year. We've only just begun. A new day is just one sleep away. And I got to have cake for breakfast. One must always ask oneself, "What would Oprah do?". Then make your move. 

Happy baking. I'm going to gym. Maybe.  

Tiny But Intense Chocolate Cake